
Banana Workers

Say Goodbye


On Sunday, October 9 the Nemagon Stronghold Was Deserted

Faces of the Nemagon Stronghold


 Sunday the 9th marked 231 days since banana laborers and workers from other struggling sectors started out from the city of Chinandega to march towards Managua, where they arrived ten days later. It’s been almost eight months of intense struggle, of a peaceful but firm protest, and the workers have finally obtained what they were demanding. 


They had to risk their own lives several times. They threatened to bury themselves alive or set themselves on fire. They started hunger and thirst strikes, and seized facilities and public buildings to call attention to their cause and to make the Nicaraguan government hear their voices and heed their demands instead of hiding behind a shield of silence and indifference. Throughout this entire protest they lived in plastic makeshift tents, with little food and under very harsh conditions, making enormous sacrifices.

During their stay in Managua, more than 200 of our fellow workers from the different sectors (banana and sugar cane laborers) have died, and the memory of all these men and women will remain with us forever. They succeeded in getting the Nicaraguan people involved, receiving in turn much solidarity and concrete support. The media followed the progress of their struggle, every step of the way, a struggle that eventually expanded beyond Nicaraguan borders, reaching several corners of the world, thanks to international solidarity, and generating a strong reaction of protest and concrete support.


Moreover, the struggle was never without a broader significance, as it is ultimately a challenge to the transnational corporations responsible for the state of poverty, neglect and disease these workers are in.


After only a few days of their departure, a bittersweet sensation remains. They are happy to return to their families with tangible results, but also sad at leaving behind the relationships and comradeship forged over these eight months with the many people who visited the Stronghold every day bringing their solidarity, and who now stay here in Managua. After eight months, they became not only an integral part of the city, but also a part of the everyday life of the common people and of the many individuals that have stood besides them in their struggle.


Meeting of banana workers and civil society

But their leaving marks the beginning of something new. For the first time, after so many marches, significant and meaningful relations have been established with Nicaraguan and international civil society movements, relations that will contribute in the future to provide ongoing support for the hard struggle that awaits them. In order for the Nicaraguan authorities to honor the agreements signed, it will also be necessary to continually strengthen these ties to create a common pressure front.


A great march is convened for October 23 in Chinandega to celebrate these important victories. It will also be an opportunity to remind the authorities that their attention to the struggle of banana workers and the solidarity with the thousands of people affected does not end here. It will not be over and will not decrease with their departure from Managua. We will continue to be alert until the agreements are concluded and honored.


On October 7, protesting sectors met with Nicaraguan and international civil society with the aim of discussing the means to communicate among themselves and maintain their alliance. The banana workers have informed public opinion that they will join the other sectors that participated in the "March of No Return” to form a Workers’ Federation, and to bring together the sectors of men and women workers who risk their lives daily as a result of their contact with agrochemicals or due to their dreadful working conditions (tobacco, coffee, banana, sugar cane, etc.). As they closed the activity the workers read a declaration.




To National and International Public Opinion

Proclamation by the People That for

231 Days Participated in the March of No Return


We the people who participated in the "March of No Return" would like to publicly state that over these 231 days we have engaged in intense negotiations with the Inter-Institutional Commission of the Government of the Republic, through which we have secured agreements that benefit thousands of affected individuals and their families.


We have also reached an agreement with the Governing Committee of the National Assembly, dated August 11, 2005, setting forth a legislative agenda with that Branch of Government, which if approved according to our demands will mean important achievements for thousands of people.


We call on the understanding of our national representatives so that we may obtain the legal regulations and the budgetary allocations that we have requested.


We have achieved these agreements thanks to the solidarity of thousands of people in our country, but also to the international support we received, most notably from the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF), the Italy-Nicaragua Association, networks combating pesticides, European legislators, etc.


In Nicaragua we have been supported by non-profit organizations, priests, evangelical ministers, nuns, members of ecumenical churches, students from various schools and institutes, in sum, thousands of people. To all of them goes our profound gratitude and our families’ affection.


We also want to highlight that in these almost eight months of protest we have found understanding, professionalism, receptivity, and great human warmth among the women and men that work in the different social media. Some of them have even been threatened by individuals and organizations engaged in the practice of intimidation, who resort to threats to make us desist from claiming the rights we have been denied. To you, women and men of the Press, goes our respect and our gratitude.


To all the civil servants who in carrying out their duties have contributed to our achieving all these agreements, we would first like to apologize for the inconveniences we caused you in presenting our demands, but we are aware that all your efforts have enabled us to obtain significant results in this negotiation. To you too, our gratitude.


For the record, we wish to say that on several occasions we tried to communicate, both by telephone and in writing, with Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, Mr. José Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Mr. Omar Cabezas Lacayo, who have yet to respond. We now invite them to answer the requests we made on such occasions. Our negotiations continue both in the Central Government and in various commissions, such as the Governing Committee of the National Assembly.


We have assumed the commitment of publicly presenting all the results of our negotiations in an activity that will be held on Sunday October 23 in the city of Chinandega, and we are inviting government officials, national representatives, and everyone who has stood besides us, to meet with us again on that day.


Once again, our thanks to all those who supported us, and to the people of Nicaragua and the international community. And to everyone, we firmly repeat that neither marches nor threats will be able to erase the crimes.

(Managua, Nicaragua - October 7, 2005)




 Giorgio Trucchi

October 21, 2005



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