A recent report1
by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United
Nations revealed that despite the proliferation of grand
declarations, costly forums and heavily-guarded summits, the
number of hungry people continues to grow, reaching a total
of 923 million in 2007. FAO -which usually takes part in
these high-profile events and statements- blames the
international rise in food prices for the severity of the
situation, but says nothing about how the world’s sources of
nourishment are increasingly concentrated in a tiny handful
of transnational corporations.
summarizes the conclusions of its ninth progress report on
world hunger in six key points:
1- World hunger is increasing. The World Food Summit’s (WFS)
goal of halving the number of undernourished people in the
world by 2015 is becoming more difficult to reach for many
countries. FAO’s most recent estimates put the number
of hungry people in the world at 923 million in 2007, an
increase of more than 80 million since the 1990–92 base
period. Long-term estimates (available up to 2003–05) show
that some countries were well on track towards reaching the
WFS and Millennium Development Goal (MDG)
targets before the period of high food prices, but now even
these countries may have suffered setbacks.
High food prices share much of the blame. The most rapid
increase in chronic hunger experienced in recent years
occurred between 2003-05 and 2007. FAO’s provisional
estimates show that, in 2007, 75 million more people were
added to the total number of undernourished relative to
While several factors are responsible, high food prices are
driving millions of people into food insecurity, worsening
conditions for many who were already food-insecure, and
threatening long-term global food security.
The poorest, landless and female-headed households are the
hardest hit. The vast majority of urban and rural households
in the developing world rely on food purchases to cover most
of their food needs and stand to lose from high food prices,
at least in the short-term. High food prices reduce real
income and worsen the prevalence of food insecurity and
malnutrition among the poor by reducing the quantity and
quality of food consumed.
governmental policy responses have had a limited effect. To
contain the negative effects of high food prices,
governments have introduced various measures, such as price
controls and export restrictions. While understandable from
an immediate social welfare perspective, many of these
actions have been ad hoc and are likely to be ineffective
and unsustainable. Some have had damaging effects on world
price levels and stability.
5- High
food prices are also an opportunity. In the long run, high
food prices represent an opportunity for agriculture
(including smallholder farmers) throughout the developing
world, but they will have to be accompanied by the provision
of essential public goods. Smallholder gains could fuel
broader economic and rural development. Farming households
can see immediate gains; other rural households may benefit
in the longer run if higher prices turn into opportunities
for increasing output and creating employment.
6- A comprehensive twin-track approach is required.
Governments, donors, the United Nations, nongovernmental
organizations, civil society and the private sector must
immediately combine their efforts in a strategic, twin-track
approach to address the impact of high food prices on
hunger. This should include: (i) measures to enable the
agriculture sector, especially smallholders in developing
countries, to respond to the high prices; and (ii) carefully
targeted safety nets and social protection programs for the
most food-insecure and vulnerable. This is a global
challenge requiring a global response.
In the Foreword, FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf
recognizes almost in passing that “Hunger has increased as
the world has grown richer and produced more food than ever
in the last decade.”
Apparently in Rome -where
FAO has its headquarters- two plus two does not
equal four |
Apparently in Rome -where FAO has its
headquarters- two plus two does not equal four. Only that
could explain why after establishing that world hunger is
not caused by food shortages, or unproductive lands, or
inadequate knowledge to produce food, or natural disasters,
or ethnic wars, FAO does not naturally conclude that
a few increase their wealth precisely because poverty,
destitution, hunger and death increase for the many. This
conclusion, which is both logical and backed by solid
evidence, has not found its way into the minds of FAO
So in the eyes of the master, the world’s poorest and most
vulnerable, the children, pregnant women and lactating
mothers of developing countries who are identified as the
most severely hit by hunger, are in fact merely victims of
In 2003-05, Asia and Africa together accounted
for 89 percent of the hungry people in the world, totaling
almost 750 million people. By 2007, Asia had added
another 41 million and Africa another 24 million to
the ranks of the hungry. Africa is also home to 15 of
the 16 countries where the prevalence of hunger exceeds 35
percent of the population.
The same
upward trend is seen in Latin America and the Caribbean,
where the number of hungry people from both urban and rural
areas has grown by 5 million.
A different perspective
In 2003-05, Asia and
Africa together accounted for 89 percent of the
hungry people in the world, almost 750 million
people. By 2007, Asia had added another 41
million and Africa another 24 million to the
ranks of the hungry |
From 1951 to 1955, the position of Council Chairman at
FAO was held by the noted Brazilian physician and
sociologist Josué de Castro, who among other essays
and books wrote “Geography of Hunger,”2
initially published in the 1940s. Back then de Castro
already saw world hunger as a consequence of the
international economic and political (dis)order, and he
distinguished between “physiological and absolute hunger”
and “specific hunger,” which he described as the hunger that
produces a lack of adequate and proper nutrients in
populations that are forced by large agro-industrial and
corporate interests to obtain their livelihood from a
single-crop economy.
Refuting developmental economic theories, de Castro
maintained that “Underdevelopment is not the lack of
development, but rather a product of misuse of natural and
human resources. Underdevelopment and hunger can only be
eliminated from the face of the earth through a global
development strategy which will mobilize production means in
the interest of the community.”
When he stepped down from office at FAO, de Castro
publicly regretted not having been more daring in his
initiatives, while at the same time he deplored rich
countries for having remained indifferent to the tragedy of
world hunger. Brazil’s dictatorship condemned him to live in
exile, where he remained until his death in 1973.
Cheaper but more inaccessible
Since Josué de Castro’s early warning the situation
has become increasingly more severe. A chart included in
FAO’s world insecurity report shows that while
international food prices dropped steadily
real terms from the early 1960’s to 2004
-with the exception of a price upsurge in 1975, immediately
after the first “oil crisis”-,
hunger has never stopped growing.
What is more: at present, even with the last period of
global increases,
these prices
are still considerably below 1960 levels, according to FAO’s
own data. Hunger, however, is more widespread.
This is just further proof that the crucial, decisive and
essential cause of world hunger is not food prices, because
in spite of four decades of steadily dropping prices, the
number of hungry people has never stopped growing.
Empirical data shows that there is no shortage of food -even
taking into account the growth in the world’s population-
and that prices are not the main obstacle preventing people
from accessing food. World hunger is caused by the dramatic
change in the way that human societies organize their
activities and their place in the world. Traditionally, the
social and economic order was guided by the desire to
improve the quality of life. But in the 20th
century this order was replaced by a new one governed by the
pursuit of profit at all costs, the accumulation of capital,
the unsustainable use of natural resources, and an
increasingly concentrated ownership of international means
of production and distribution.
Over the past three
decades, a handful of companies has gained
control of the one-quarter of the world’s annual
biomass (crops, livestock, fisheries, etc.) that
has been integrated into the world market
economy |
This process peaked with the application of economic,
political and philosophical neoliberalism throughout the
According to a recent study
by the Canadian ETC Group, “From thousands of seed
companies and public breeding institutions [that existed]
three decades ago, ten companies now control more than
two-thirds of global proprietary seed sales. From dozens of
pesticide companies three decades ago, ten now control
almost 90% of agrochemical sales worldwide. From almost a
thousand biotech startups 15 years ago, ten companies now
have three-quarters of industry revenue. And, six of the
leaders in seeds are also six of the leaders in pesticides
and biotech. Over the past three decades, a handful of
companies has gained control of that one-quarter of the
world’s annual biomass (crops, livestock, fisheries, etc.)
that has been integrated into the world market economy.”
In order for this to happen the political establishment had
to be put at the service of these global corporations, so
that laws and regulations would be adapted to protect
corporate investments and benefits, and they could secure
increasing control over food, and
also over
Hunger is not the fatal destiny of poor peoples who are
incapable of producing their own food, but rather a
political weapon used as a structural means in a war called
capitalism, in which a few can have practically everything
while the vast majority is left with practically nothing.
Hunger is also the worst form of terror that human beings
can be subjected to, breaking even the strongest spirits.
Hunger, then, is an essential weapon used for capitalist
accumulation and the most powerful tool for subjecting
people around the world, people who -like de Castro
taught us- are condemned not by underdevelopment but by the
development of rich countries.