On Tuesday, March 10, the Tenth Congress
of the National Confederation of Rural
Workers of Brazil (CONTAG) opened
with an attendance of 3,150 delegates
from 27 Federations representing family
farmers from across the country.
Also present were the Ministers of
Sustainable Agricultural Development,
Social Security, and the Environment, as
well as several congresspersons and
senators of various political parties.
The presidents of the labor federations
CUT and CTB participated
in the ceremony along with other social
organizations and local and
international trade union delegations,
including the Argentinean Union of Rural
Workers and Stevedores (UATRE),
represented by its assistant secretary
Heriberto Francisco Serrizuela,
and Luisa Mele and Rosa del
Carmen Díaz; Uruguay’s Union
of Rural and Related Industry Workers
from the South of the Country (UTRASURPA),
represented by Germán González;
and the IUF, with the presence of
Barbro Budin, of the
General Secretary’s Office in Geneva,
and Gerardo Iglesias,
Regional Secretary for Latin America.
After the staging of a symbolic
representation of the wealth and variety
of products of the land, there were
several stimulating presentations,
generating moments of deep reflection
and also great enthusiasm that was
expected to fuel discussions throughout
the rest of the Congress.
Discussions will continue through
Saturday, March 14, when the new
authorities of CONTAG will be
elected before the closing ceremony.
is the world’s largest trade union of
rural workers. It was founded on
December 22, 1963 in Rio de Janeiro.
Initially formed by 14 federations and
475 trade unions of rural workers,
today it groups 27 federations with a
total membership of 4,000 trade unions
and 20 million rural workers.