
With José Oxley, SOEN

"We reached an

unprecedented agreement"


After five-month-negotiations, on Tuesday 2, the Federation of Beverage Workers and Employees (FOEB) reached an agreement with the Business Chamber, which has been classified as a milestone by workers. José Oxley, President of the Norteña Workers' Union (SOEN - Uruguay), IUF affiliate, discussed with Sirel the reality of the beverage industry and the achievements of this negotiation.  


-What is your analysis of the beverage industry situation in Uruguay?

-It is necessary to consider that there is almost a   monopoly of the beverage industry by the transnational company AB-InBev, on one hand, which owns all breweries, Pepsicola and two of the three malt companies, and  Coca Cola, leading the soft drink market, on the other hand.


In this context of transnational capital concentration of the sector, which brought about anti-union policies, it is worth highlighting that the Federation has managed to stand up firmly and intelligently in order to face the beverage market giants, such as TNCs  AB-InBev and Coca Cola, making significant progress with each negotiation.


-What is your evaluation of this last collective bargaining process?

-My view is that in spite of some difficulties which made the negotiation last until the deadline set by the government, the results were very positive for workers.


Particularly in terms of wages, because the Agreement is above the standards set by the Executive Branch at the Wage Councils.


After hard negotiations with the Business Chamber,  FOEB obtained also the creation of two Commissions:  one to re-evaluate categories of Administrative and Distribution workers and another one to discuss the reduction of work days without wage cut for the sector.


Another win of this negotiation is related to a gender issue, women workers affiliated to the Federation will have an extra day off per month in order to take care of family issues or school or pre-school issues of their children .


Personally, I consider that, in spite of the difficulties of the industry, such as monopolization, both in the brewery area by AB-InBev and in the soft drinks by Coca Cola, with this firm approach, the FOEB reached a very positive agreement which will be the basis for future negotiations such as the one we will face next year at the malt companies.


-What was the role of the Ministry of Labor in this successful negotiation?

-The diligent action of the Ministry through the National Director of Labor, Luis Romero -who in my view deserves to be called “compañero-, and who was a reputable union leader at the national and international level, was very important. Romero acted intelligently and was crucial so that the conflict did not go deeper.


From Montevideo, Amalia Antúnez


November 4, 2010





Photo: Gerardo Iglesias


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