On June 11, representatives of the IUF Latin American
Secretariat (Rel-UITA) held a meeting with Harald Wiedenhofer,
General Secretary of the European Federation of Food,
Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT), regional
organization of the IUF in Europe.
Siderlei de Oliveira,
President of CONTAC; José
Oxley, President of the Norteña Workers' Union (SOEN -
Uruguay); Eduardo
Esquivel, Coordinator of the Workers' Union of the Soft
Drinks Bottling Industry of Mexico (STIE) and Gerardo
Iglesias, IUF Regional Secretary, held an interesting
meeting with Harald
Wiedenhofer at
the EFFAT office in Brussels.
The disembarking in Europe of the main Brazilian meat
industry players and the increasing action of
AB-Inbev in
both regions, the dairy sector, tourism and the Free trade
Agreements between the EU and Colombia,
Peru and Central America were defined as priority
issues to build the future union agenda.
Another significant issue identified for future coordination
is the
Campaign against the Work Pace in Poultry Plants in
Europe is one of the main markets for major Brazilian
companies, and that is where unions and consumer
organizations are potential contributors to spread the
campaign, which purpose is contributing to eliminate the
suffering of thousands of Brazilian workers of this
In turn, Harald
Wiedenhofer praised
the IUF International Dairy Conference (Buenos Aires,
March 2010), where many European unions took part and
positively evaluated its organization and scope.
He also showed interest in the proposal that EFFAT
website may access the information published by Rel-UITA
where lately many European conflicts have been followed
and is closely linked to the IUF affiliates of
Eduardo Esquivel, Siderlei
de Oliveira, Harald Wiedenhofer and José