Agrotoxic substances everywhere… even in your soup |
baby food products and other foodstuff found to contain traces of agrotoxic
In the
midst of all the toasting and fireworks of the holidays, the news almost
went by unnoticed. It all started last Dec. 27, when the consumer protection
group Liga Ciudadana de Consumidores
released the findings of a lab study conducted in Chile
on five baby foods (fruit purées), revealing that
three of the products tested contained traces of agrotoxic substances. The
study also detected similar components in an asparagus soup mix distributed
under the “Golden Years” label as part of the Health Ministry’s
senior citizens nutrition program, and in an orange juice product.
The study,1
conducted by Cecilia Castillo,2
measured pesticide residues in processed foods made with fruits, vegetables,
garden greens, and/or cereals. The samples were obtained from a supermarket
in Santiago,3
refrigerated and taken directly to the laboratory duly sealed and numbered,
as per a strict protocol. The products were then tested for pesticide
content at Laboratorio Andes Control, which delivered its findings on
Dec. 17.
Alarming findings
Of the five samples of baby food tested, three (Gerber-Nestlé prune
purée, Nestlé fruit medley purée, and Nestlé peach
purée) contained traces of Iprodione, a toxic fungicide used in
This substance is classified as a category 3 carcinogen under European Union
(EU) regulations. This category is given to substances that may pose
a risk to humans owing to their possible carcinogenic effects, but which as
yet have not been adequately assessed due to lack of conclusive evidence.
Iprodione causes hormonal disorders and affects the liver, suprarenal
glands, testes, ovaries, prostate, kidneys, and seminal vesicles.
The values found in the prune and peach purées were 0.04 mg/kg and 0.08
mg/kg, respectively, thus exceeding the maximum limits set by EU
regulations for agrotoxic substance residues in food. The fruit medley purée
has the EU maximum limit for pesticide residues in baby food (0.01
mg/kg), which also coincides with this method’s detection limit.
The results also reveal traces of the agriculture-grade insecticide
Carbaryl in an orange juice marketed by the company Watt’s.
The concentration level of the residue found in this product is at the
detection limit for this pesticide (0.01 mg/kg).
Carbaryl is a highly toxic product that can cause peripheral
neuropathies, nerve degeneration, and arm and leg paralysis. It causes
kidney toxicity and possibly aplastic anemia and male and female fertility
problems. It has been linked to the development of brain tumors in children
and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Another product tested was the Crema Años Dorados Espárrago, a
creamed asparagus soup mix distributed by the Health Ministry
under the National Supplementary Food Program for the Elderly (PACAM),
which also revealed traces of agrotoxic substances.
Sound suggestions
Based on this data, Liga Ciudadana recommended that the manufacturers
of the food products containing hazardous substances voluntarily remove the
products in question from the market. The consumer protection group also
asked the Health Ministry to demand that, failing voluntary removal,
the companies withdraw their products, and to suspend the distribution of
contaminated food delivered through its supplementary food programs. In
addition, it made an urgent call for health authorities to screen food
products more rigorously for pesticide residues, especially food products
meant for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
Moreover, Omar Pérez Santiago, executive secretary and project
coordinator at Liga Ciudadana, called on Health Minister
Jaime Mañalich to urgently and systematically monitor agrotoxic
substance residues. According to Pérez, health authorities should be
checking for compliance with agrotoxic substance use regulations and
guaranteeing that children’s foods do not exceed maximum residue limits of
agrotoxic substances. “The health of the population comes first,” he said.
“Our study only tested a sample of these purées. It’s the responsibility of
the health to monitor these products to determine the levels of residue
present in them, and make sure that they are safe for child consumption.”
A deplorable charade
This gave way to a deplorable and revealing charade played out in the news,
which we summarize below.
- Public Health Undersecretary Liliana Jadue declares that
children would not be at risk by eating the food products found to
contain residues of agrotoxic substances. For his part, Guillermo
Figueroa, chief of the Microbiology and Probiotic Laboratory
of the Nutrition and Food Technology Institute speaks out
to refute Jadue’s statement saying it is “illogical to think
that it’s normal for food to contain pesticides.”
- Despite the absence of national regulations regarding agrotoxic
content in processed foods, the Public Health Institute (ISP)
decides to take samples of the baby food products in question.
- Nestlé issues a press release declaring that, as stated by
health authorities, the three questioned products are fully in
compliance with applicable regulations in force, and therefore no
violations of pesticide regulations have been committed and the
population has not been exposed to any risks.
- As the samples are still being analyzed, ISP Director
María Teresa Valenzuela states that the agrotoxic residue
concentrations found in Nestlé baby foods are “very low,” are
consistent with the “lowest possible risk, and have a very short
lifespan.” However, she fails to explain why the agrotoxic substance
is still present in the purées despite such a short lifespan.
- Guido Girardi, president of the Senate’s health
committee, goes before the country’s National High
Comptrollership Office to request that an investigation of the
Public Health Undersecretary’s Office be conducted to
determine its administrative integrity. According to Girardi,
Undersecretary Liliana Jadue has unduly defended the
company Nestlé.
- For Ricardo Uauy, head of the World Health Organization’s
(WHO) Scientific Committee, it is essential that
Chile begin periodically monitoring food products, given that
it currently has no control mechanisms in place. In his opinion, the
only way to measure the risks the population may be exposed to in
their consumption of processed food products is to establish a
national registry of cancer, malformations, and other health
disorders, as other countries have done.
- ISP confirms the presence of agrotoxic substances in
Nestlé’s peach- and prune-flavored baby foods, in higher doses
than previously detected by the Andes Control
laboratory and very high according to European regulations.
Nonetheless, health authorities assure consumers that there is no
need to be alarmed, because “as there is no Chilean regulation
governing this matter, there is no need to stop consuming this
- After ISP confirms the presence of traces of agrotoxic
substances in Nestlé baby food products, Liga Ciudadana de
Defensa del Consumidor demands that the Health Ministry
immediately withdraw the products from the market and begin drafting
strict regulations to ban the presence of such contaminants from
processed foods. In addition, the group’s executive secretary
describes María Teresa Valenzuela’s comments as
“disrespectful to consumers and harmful to public health.”
- Liliana Jadue informs that Nestlé has decided to
discontinue the sale of the peach-flavored products analyzed. “It’s
Nestlé’s decision; so they are going to stop marketing the
product,” she says.
- Despite the results of the tests conducted by ISP,
Nestlé insists that its baby food products present no health
risk. It explains that “in Chile, Iprodione is
classified in the group of level 4 pesticides, which are the
pesticides with the lowest risks.”
- Liga Ciudadana de Consumidores asks Nestlé to
withdraw all of the baby food products that have been found to
contain traces of Iprodione. “We are calling on the company,
as we did through the letter we sent yesterday to Nestlé’s
CEO in Switzerland, to pull all pesticide-containing fruit
purées from supermarket shelves,” a press release from the group
- In reference to María Teresa Valenzuela’s statements,
Cecilia Castillo declares, “we think it is inappropriate for
health authorities to say that these products are harmless and to
cause this degree of confusion.” And she goes on to say, “we will
stop worrying as soon as anybody can guarantee that the products as
they are now can be sold in Europe.”
- María Elena Rozas, Coordinator of the Chilean
alternative pest control group Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus
Alternativas en Chile, steps in stating that in Europe
Iprodione is classified as a R40 risk phrase product, which
means it poses possible risks of irreversible carcinogenic and
reproductive system effects. She also notes that it has a silent
chronic effect on children that may only manifest itself eigth to
ten years after being consumed daily. According to the WHO,
the fact that infants have a lower body mass requires that
regulations be even stricter in the case of food marketed for
- Liga Ciudadana meets with Health Minister Jaime Mañalich,
who promises to immediately request that Nestlé discontinue
sale of its prune-flavored baby food as well.
Cecilia Castillo
states, “80 percent of the population misunderstands what they read,
and I think the ISP director [María Teresa Valenzuela]
falls under that percentage. What the European regulation says is
that all pesticides must comply with the 0.01 milligrams per kilo of
food, and that, of course, includes Iprodione. And there is a
list [of substances] that are subject to even stricter limits. If
she doesn’t understands that, she’ll have to take a reading course
to learn how to interpret correctly.”
And to top it all off…
But there was one final incident that just took the cake, or shall we say
‘took the purée.’
In Chile there is an organization called Acción RSE, founded
in May 2000 by representatives of the business community with the goal of
furthering corporate social responsibility in companies operating in the
country. It is also a representative of the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD). In its website, Acción RSE
claims that it “sees corporate social responsibility as a vital business
approach for companies to attain medium- and long-term sustainability and
competitiveness, harmoniously integrating respect for ethical values,
individuals, the community and the environment.”5
Last December, a few days prior to the agrotoxic residue scandal, Acción
RSE partially renewed its board, and one of the new directors elected
was Fernando del Solar, CEO of Nestlé Chile. The importance
that Nestlé places on the values that Acción RSE claims
to defend is evident in the fact that del Solar did not even have the
decency to take a leave of absence from the association’s board until the
purée affair was resolved and the responsibility of the company he heads was

Parque del Plata,
Enildo Iglesias
2011 |
3 The asparagus soup mix sample from the Health Ministry
program was donated by an elderly beneficiary from the
Metropolitan area.
4 To date, nobody has been penalized for putting out such an
outrageous argument.
5 Stress added by us.
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