The slow process of collective bargaining between the Union of
Beverage Industry and allied workers’ (STIBYS) and CABCorp
(PepsiCo), has been even more affected by the decision of the
transnational to restructure illegally and outsource the
Warehouse Department and Direct Labour in Tegucigalpa.
its last News Bulletin the Bargaining Committee of STIBYS
denounced once again the dilatory strategy and the intransigent
attitude of CABCorp (PepsiCo),
alerting also to the unilateral decision of the enterprise to
restructure and outsource the Warehouse Department in the Agency
in Tegucigalpa.
According to the vice president of STIBYS, Porfirio
Ponce, the transnational enterprise ignored the proposal of
the Union Bargaining Committee to face that issue in the frame
of the collective bargaining.
“In July 2010 the enterprise summoned us to start restructuring
in the Warehouse Department, claiming that in the first two
shifts there was almost no work.
Our answer was that rather than that, staff should be increased
and this issue dealt with in the frame of the collective
bargaining.However, the enterprise decided the staff adjustment
in a unilateral way¨, explained to Sirel, the director of
in a wild way
The enterprise reduced the first shift workers from 17 to 6 and from 27 to 16
those of the second shift, outsourcing the majority of these positions and
relocating the permanent workers in other areas. |
With this restructuring operation, the enterprise reduced the
first shift workers from 17 to 6 and from 27 to 16 those of the
second shift, outsourcing the majority of these positions and
relocating the permanent workers in other areas.
“The enterprise is
resorting to the Temporary Job Law, which was approved last
year, to outsource the area, lower costs and affect the Union.
The Human
Resources Department stated very clearly that restructuring had
to be done no matter how, getting rid of permanent workers and
keeping the temporary ones, because with the wage of a permanent
worker three temporary ones are paid”,
According to the Bargaining Committee of STIBYS, the
negative effects of this decision are already evident.
“The routes of the
second shift cannot carry out their jobs because there is not
enough staff to do the loading.
even had to call confidential employees to fulfill a task for
which they are not qualified”,
asserted the vice president of
Faced with this situation, STIBYS emphasized once again
CABCorp (PepsiCo)
unwillingness to sign the new Collective Agreement in the phase
of Direct Talks and continue with its dilatory strategy to wear
the Bargaining Committee of the Union down.
“We keep
on demanding not to outsource all permanent jobs.
That is why we have already brought a complaint before the
Ministry of Labour against the enterprise decision to
restructure the Warehouse Department at the margins of the
collective bargaining, Ponce concluded.