
Union leader murdered in Izabal

Victim Oscar González was assistant secretary of organization at SITRABI’s Chickasaw chapter


Oscar González was murdered at night, on Sunday, April 10.


Interviewed by Sirel, Noé Ramírez, general secretary of the Union of Banana Workers of Izabal (SITRABI), said, “Oscar González had been working in Bandegua, Del Monte Fresh (formerly the United Fruit Company) for seven years, and he’d been a union leader for the past two months.”


According to witnesses, he apparently got a phone call on his cell phone when he was in Aldea El Cedro, where he lived, and later as he was on the highway on his way to the plantation he was gunned down by two men on a motorcycle.


Asked about possible motives for this crime, Ramírez said, “it’s too early to say whether his union activities were the reason he was murdered, as he’d only become a union leader very recently, but it might be meant as a message to us, the other union leaders.”


Since Marco Tulio Ramírez, SITRABI’s Culture and Sports secretary and Noé’s brother, was murdered in September 2007, the banana workers connected with this labor organization have been constantly receiving death threats, which is why this new act of violence against a unionist must be denounced internationally.


According to Noé Ramírez, “after my brother’s death, the physical threats have just kept coming, the last one was last year when my house was shot at and the government was forced to put a personal guard on me day and night.”


It should be noted that the government’s decision to assign this guard came as a result of pressure from international labor organizations, in a campaign where Rel-UITA (IUF Latin America) played a key role.


Considering this scenario, it is crucial that this new case be first reported to Guatemala’s Public Ministry (the criminal prosecuting authority) and then denounced to the international community. SITRABI will file the corresponding report today.


We know we can count on Rel-UITA’s solidarity to give visibility to this situation of ongoing violence that workers in Izabal are suffering,” Ramírez concluded.



From Montevideo, Amalia Antúnez


April 14, 2011





Photo: Gerardo Iglesias

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  UITA - Secretaría Regional Latinoamericana - Montevideo - Uruguay

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