
Coca Cola

With David Morales, Secretary General of FESTRAS

Successful collective bargaining

After long and intense bargaining, the collective agreement which will rule the next two years preserves all jobs and includes an important wage increase.


-The collective bargaining process with Coca Cola has been completed. What is the balance?

-This collective bargaining process with Coca Cola began a long time ago. It was not without difficulties, naturally. The effects of globalization, the changes in production methodologies and in the market pose new challenges, both for workers and for the marketing of products. In this case we face the problem that one of the four production lines was obsolete as it only accepted glass bottles. Sixty-eight workers of that production line had to be relocated. Therefore, the whole bargaining process was marked by this aspect and needed an alternative solution.


-How was it solved?

-The company considered it was very difficult to relocate the workers, and after the discussion of many possibilities we reached and agreement that all of them would be absorbed by the creation of new shifts and new work days with a different shift structure. No one had to suffer the adverse effects absolutely, neither in wage nor in weekly work hours.   The collective bargaining agreement was signed on 3 June, and at the moment we are waiting for it to be approved by the Ministry of Labour.


-Was a wage increase obtained?

-A 6 per cent increase was agreed for each year of during the agreement effective period, which is a good result.



Carlos Amorín

© Rel-UITA

27 June 2005



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