A commitment undertaken

with responsibility and joy



 The IUF’s Latin American Regional Office, Rel-UITA, has been elected to a seat in the Administrative Council of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of a Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS).


The Administrative Council is the body in charge of coordinating the global activities of RIPESS, a network that groups a range of organizations from around the world, including associations of small and micro-sized services and goods producers, cooperatives of various sizes and characteristics, and NGOs that promote social solidarity economy and fair trade.


The Network has a Latin American and Caribbean chapter (RIPESS-LAC) formed by organizations, cooperatives and national and regional social solidarity economy networks from all over Latin America, from the Rio Bravo to Tierra del Fuego.


Rel-UITA has been a member of RIPESS-LAC for several years and holds a position in its Regional Governing Committee. It was this body that elected our organization to represent the region for the next two years in RIPESS’ global Administrative Council.


We undertake this task with responsibility, commitment and joy, eager to contribute to the expansion and consolidation of intercontinental and regional networks and further the construction of bridges and meeting points between the social solidary economy and labor movements, as the two share many principles and goals.




Gerardo Iglesias


September 25, 2009





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  UITA - Secretaría Regional Latinoamericana - Montevideo - Uruguay

Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1229 / 201 - Tel. (598 2) 900 7473 -  902 1048 -  Fax 903 0905