Latin American workers
support IUF Campaign
In the framework of this international solidarity campaign,
IUF-affiliated organizations from various sectors are
expressing their support to Pakistan’s Lipton Tea workers
and denouncing the continuous violation of the rights of
these workers, who have been with Unilever for years and are
still employed as “temporaries” under a “no work, no pay”
Thursday, June 25
In Uruguay, representatives of the Union of Coca-Cola
Workers (STCC), the Maltería Oriental Trade Union
Center (CGMO),
the Union of Rural and
Related Industry Workers from the South of the Country (UTRASURPA),
and the IUF Latin American Regional Office marched to
the facilities of Unilever Uruguay where they delivered a
letter in support of the IUF International Solidarity

Thursday, June 25
In Chile, workers gathered in the National Federation
of Trade Unions of Unilever Chile (FENASIUN)
expressed their support at the last Assembly of the

Monday, June 22
Workers members of several rural unions affiliated to the
IUF -in Uruguay- included information on the
campaign in the discussion agendas for their assemblies and
have given their support by signing a joint document and
sending a letter to Unilever Management.