

New Farmers Slaughter

IUF Latin American Regional Secretary letter sent to Porfirio Lobo



Regional Latinoamericana
Unión Internacional de Trabajadores de la Alimentación, Agrícolas, Hoteles, Restaurantes, Tabaco y Afines (Rel-UITA)



Argentino Geneiro

Neuza Barbosa

Carolina Llanos

Héctor Ponce

Silvia Villaverde

Alberto Broch

Siderlei de Oliveira

Luis A. Pedraza

Guillermo Rivera

Edwin Ranchos

Gerardo Iglesias
Secretario Regional


Montevideo, November 19, 2010



Porfirio Lobo

Presidential Palace




Subject: New peasant massacre


Dear Sir,


We are deeply outraged to learn of a new massacre perpetrated by commandos of private guards hired by the African palm producer and president of Dinant Corporation Miguel Facussé Barjum against members of the peasant movement Movimiento Campesino del Aguán (MCA), on November 15 at “El Tumbador” establishment, in the municipality of Trujillo.


So far there is confirmation that at least five people have been murdered: Teodoro Acosta, Ignacio Reyes, Raúl Castillo, Ciriaco Muñóz, and José Luis Saucedo Pastrana. A sixth person, Noé Pérez, is still missing, and there are numerous people injured, some of them hospitalized in critical state.


This deadly attack was committed with high-caliber guns, war weapons that Mr. Facussé’s paramilitary bands carry on them openly while they patrol the Bajo Aguán region, using them to kill people in cold blood.


Mr. Porfirio Lobo, once again we are witnessing the pain of the Honduran people, caused by lives brutally cut short, the lives of men and women who are demanding their legitimate rights - the right to access land and to have a chance at a decent life and a decent income. But in answer to their demands they are subjected to extreme violence.


We know you are well aware of this, but it is good to remind you that these peasants are fighting for lands that were illegally seized from them by large landholders who have no scruples and impose a policy of terror, persecuting and killing peasants under the very noses of local and national authorities, who look the other way in indifference.


According to data from Movimiento Campesino del Aguán, more than 20 members of that organization have been killed so far in land-related conflicts.


Moreover, another peasant movement, Movimiento Unificado Campesino del Aguán (MUCA) - with which an agreement was signed to settle the serious conflict that began last year, and which for the most part is not being honored -, has denounced that 16 of its members have been killed by paramilitary commandos linked to large African palm producers.


A true massacre of peasants is being committed in the Bajo Aguán region, and you and your government must respond to your people and to the international community for this ongoing and shameful loss of human lives. You are accountable to that very same international community to which you are trying to sell an image of a Honduras that is fully reconciled and living in peace.


Mr. Porfirio Lobo, the IUF and its 383 affiliates from 124 countries around the world will not cease in its efforts to denounce these deplorable events in every relevant international forum.


Lastly, we urge you to thoroughly investigate these crimes and to put an end to the repression and harassment of popular, social, labor, peasant, and indigenous organizations.


We know from experience that if impunity is not condemned and rooted out, it will continue to fuel and allow atrocious situations such as the one we are denouncing and which cloak your nation and the international community in darkness.


Sincerely yours,



Gerardo Iglesias

IUF Latin American Regional Secretary



Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1229 Ofic. 201, Montevideo, Uruguay

Tel: (5982) 29007473 - 29021048 / Fax: 29030905  -  uita@rel-uita.org


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  UITA - Secretaría Regional Latinoamericana - Montevideo - Uruguay

Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1229 / 201 - Tel. (598 2) 900 7473 -  902 1048 -  Fax 903 0905